Holiday Hair Care Advice

Hair Care Essentials for Your Holiday at Coco Hair Salon in Eastbourne

Getting ready for your summer holiday is an exciting time, but amidst the preparations, it's crucial not to overlook the well-being of your hair whilst away. The sun, chlorine, and saltwater can take a toll on your locks, leaving them parched, dull, and damaged. At Coco Hair Salon in Eastbourne, we understand the importance of maintaining healthy hair both on holiday and at home.

In this blog post, we share our top tips to protect and nourish your hair while you enjoy your vacation, with special attention to shielding against chlorine. Our ultimate aim is to ensure your hair looks fabulous throughout your getaway, allowing you to unwind and enjoy your break!

The Best Hair Salon in Eastbourne





Prevent Hair Colour Fade

When embarking on a well-deserved holiday, safeguarding your hair from colour fade and dryness becomes paramount. Sun, sea, and pool water can be harsh on your locks, leading to unsightly fading and moisture loss. To shield your hair, consider applying a UV protection spray before sun exposure. Additionally, wearing a chic wide-brimmed hat not only complements your holiday look but also provides an extra layer of defence against the sun's rays. 

Keep It Simple 

Maintaining your hair's vibrancy and health during your holiday can be as simple as packing a few essential products. Opt for a sulphate-free shampoo and a colour-preserving conditioner to protect your hair's hue and retain its shine. A lightweight hair oil can serve as a barrier against environmental stressors while imparting a healthy sheen and not weighing your hair down in the heat.

Remember to limit heat styling and embrace your hair's natural texture while on holiday, less styling time means more time to relax and enjoy your break! 

Chlorine Protection for Gorgeous Hair

Pre-Wet Your Hair

Before you dive into the inviting pool, remember to dampen your hair with clean water. This simple yet effective step acts as a barrier for your hair, minimising the absorption of chlorine. Like a sponge, hair has a tendency to soak up liquids it encounters, making pre-wetting an essential protective measure.

Apply a Protective Hair Treatment

To safeguard your hair from chlorine damage, we advise that you use a pre-swim treatment. Numerous products are readily available to create a shield, reducing chlorine absorption, although a simple coating of conditioner can also help to protect your hair from taking on too much chlorine.

Our expert stylists at Coco Hair Salon will be more than happy to recommend the best protective products tailored to your hair type and specific needs.

Sport a Swim Cap

While not always the most stylish choice, swim caps serve as a highly effective defence against chlorine exposure. Investing in a well-fitting swim cap provides an additional layer of protection, keeping your hair healthier and more resilient during your swim.

Rinse Your Hair Immediately After Swimming

After you've had your fun in the water, make it a point to promptly rinse your hair with clean water. This proactive approach helps eliminate chlorine and other potential damaging substances. Follow up with a gentle shampoo and conditioner to maintain your hair's vitality and restore its much-needed moisture.

Swimming Pool Chlorine Damage and Protection For Hair

Book Your Holiday Hair Appointment at Coco Hair Salon in Eastbourne

At Coco Hair Salon in Eastbourne, we are committed to helping you look your absolute best, empowering you to revel in your holiday with confidence and unmatched style. Get ready to create cherished memories with stunning hair all through your escapade. Book your consultation by contacting us at 01323 471147 or book online

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